If you need a foundation built or need one repaired, we can help. Our foundation repair Columbus Ohio is the best in the business. Sometimes concrete foundations can crack overtime. Minor cracks can not be aesthetically pleasing but are usually no cause for alarm. Major cracks can indicate that there is an underlying issue that could undermine the structural integrity and needs to be addressed. Filling the cracks and stopping them from creating further issues is essential. When you notice a crack in your foundation either big or small, the best thing to do is call a professional concrete repair Columbus Ohio experts to assess the damage. Our concrete contractors Columbus Ohio are highly trained, and knowledgeable in pouring foundations and making foundation repairs.

Our Columbus Foundation Repair Methods
All foundations settle with time and may move slightly, but there will be problems if the foundation is uneven. Some exterior signs that you should watch out for to know if you are having foundation issues are wall rotation, cracked bricks that move in a "stair" pattern, and separation around the garage door, walls, or even windows. Also look out for cracks in the foundation and displaced molding. You may also see in the interior of your home uneven and cracked floors, cracked walls and misaligned doors. These are all signs that you could have some serious foundation issues.
These issues and damages can arise for a number of reasons. Water is a primary culprit, which can cause the soil to move around beneath your foundation. Foundations built on a clay soil are more susceptible to foundation damage and poor drainage around your foundation is never good. Plumbing issues below your home can also be a cause for foundation repair Columbus Ohio. Tree roots can be pesky and get into places they shouldn't. Earthquakes and floods are also reasons for foundation damage as well as a foundation not being properly poured in the first place. Whatever the cause it is never good nor safe to have foundation issues. Call one of our concrete repair Columbus Ohio professionals today if you are experiencing any of these problems. We can help get your foundation back on the right foot.
Our methods to repair a damaged foundation are full-proof. There are many different methods to use depending on the type of problem and how serious it is. Most commonly for smaller issues, we use slabjacking. This is done by pumping a concrete grout through strategically located holes in the concrete slab. This allows for the grout to solidify and provide a bearing for the concrete slab.
We can also do piering where we drive steel posts through the unstable soil. Then we use hydraulic jacks to raise and stabilize the concrete slab. This method is usually used for more serious problems like an entire house or commercial building foundation shifting. Our technology that we use and our knowledge on Columbus foundation repair is unlike any other in the business. You can trust us to get the job done right and know that your home or office building is built solid.
Foundation work is definitely not a do-it-yourself project. These things are serious and take a professional to get the job done right. When you hire us you can expect an average inspection to take about two hours. Ask us a lot of questions so that you can ensure you are well-informed. We will make sure that everything is up to code and check if warranties that were previously for your foundation can cover any costs. We will explain everything thoroughly and give you fair quotes that won't break the bank. We can't wait to start doing business with you. Call us today to book an appointment and inspection.